Nick and his buddies have a floating group called The River Vikings. I don't think I have written about them before, but some of you know who they are. For those of you that don't...you are better off.
The River Vikings planned a day float for this Saturday. Nick thought it was time for Eastan to go floating with the Vikings. Eastan was very excited about going on the float. On Thursday night, he came down with a temperature of 100 degrees. He ended up staying home from school on Friday but as the day went on, he started to feel better. Before he went to bed, his temperature returned. Nick told him that if he wasn't feeling well in the morning, he wouldn't be able to go on the float. Eastan was very upset and told Nick he was sure that he would feel better. He took a Tylenol and went to bed. In the morning, his temp was gone and Eastan joined the Vikings.
When Eastan returned from the float, he immediately told me that he earned $30. I figured he earned the money by hauling some one's canoe to the car. I should have known better. I mean, he was with the Vikings, after all!
Here's the story:
He was standing on a rock by the river. Micah told him that he would pay him $10 to jump into the river. Paul joined in and said he would pay him $20. Fully clothed, Eastan took the challenge and jumped in. When his head popped out of the water he said, "I've been sick. My mom isn't going to be happy." The water was very cold and E was a little panicked. He changed into his dry clothes (thanks for being prepared Nick) and went on the float.
About four hours later...the fever was back.
To be a Viking, you have to earn your horns. The official word hasn't been given, but I think Eastan's horns are budding.